Red Sedan Chair

Length:32 Episodes Genre:Period, Revolutionary Director:Feng Sheng Scriptwriter:Yufenglaiyi Stars:Zhang Nala, Huo Zhenyan, Xie Zuwu, Ye Quanzhen, Kou Shixun, Zhang Mingming Release Date:In 2013 Super Trailer

Red Sedan Chair developed its story around the shop named Jirui Sedan Chair in Guangdong. In the early Republic of China(1912-1941), Qiao Yuzhu, the head of the shop, was accidentally tasked by Wu Yijian, a member of revolutionary party to keep a treasure map of the fund to build the People’s Republic of China. To protect the fund, Qiao Yuzhu made up songs for sedan chairs from the information of the map and imparted it on Qiao Liti who was discriminated because of her six fingers in one hand since she was born, which provoked a fatal disaster. Mrs. Che, Wu Yijian’s wife, miserably died from convoying explosive in the street. Their son, Chen Wenxuan, who grew up together with Qiao Liti, fictitiously threw himself into the lap of Gu Zhipeng and married Chu Lin, a spy, in order to find out hidden traitor. Qiao Liti cut off the thread of love and found gold. At the crucial moment, Che Wenxuan told all truth out and they planned to send the gold out together. Unfortunately, Chen Wenxuan was caught by Gu Zhipeng in the last second. Gu Zhipeng took Qiao Liti as a hostage and Yunxian, Gu’s biological mother, stopped him. Then, Yunxian killed herself and Gu Zhipeng broke down and went mad. In the end, Chen Wenxuan continued to plunge into the flood of revolution and Qiao Liti waited for Wenxuan’s return.         

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